- T O B E T H E L O V E T H A T W E C A M E T O B E -
L O V E ・ H O P E ・ D R E A M S
Karuna is a Sanskrit word and is used in Hinduism, Buddhism, & Zen. It may be translated as an "act to diminish suffering" and "compassionate action".
In my own words through the experience of Karuna, it translates to me as "Compassionate Love, One Love". The Karuna Reiki energy provides purification, healing, empowerment, and guidance.
This is a (2) two-day workshop for anyone who feels a calling for a deeper integration within and connection into the cosmos --- you are ready to explore the energy of Karuna Reiki®. The workshop consists of a combination of discussion and experience. With completion, students will be certified Karuna Reiki® Practitioner/Teacher.
Instructions include but not limited to:
Karuna Reiki® origin & nature
Karuna Reiki® energy Experience and Karuna I & II Placements
Explore & practice Karuna Reiki energy symbols & uses
Explore distance healing
Holy Fire® III upgrade for those who had Holy Fire® II Ignitions.
Benefits may include:
Activation of awareness to deeper/unconditional compassion.
Amplification of one’s senses/connection to work more closely with enlightened beings.
Remembrance of one’s inherent potential to increase ability to recognize & discern spiritual guidance.
Clearer understanding in staying focused on one’s heart-mission in this life.
Galactivate deeper connection & trust within.
LOCATION: To Be Announced in the welcome email, the City limit of Reno or Sparks
DATE: TWO DAYS - Saturday, SEPTEMBER 21st & Sunday, 22nd, 2024
TIME: 9:30 am to 6:00 pm
PREREQUISITE: Reiki Level III Master Practitioner/Teacher certification with (6) six months in between classes. If you feel ready strongly, please contact to discuss. I am open to possibilities. :)
COST: Early registration fee is $555 per person. This offer expires on August 15, 2024. After this date, the class fee will be $777. --- Offer extended. Once you remit the security deposit, the total will be automatically adjusted.
To register, non-refundable security deposit of $222 (Check, Cash or CC) will be required to secure your spot. The rest of the balance will be due on the first day of class. 🌟
This is a non-refundable deposit.
When registration is established, you are making a commitment.🕊 Class materials will be created for each participants and sacred space will be held for the new energies of each class.🌟